
Student Code of Conduct

Policy Number
VP Academic
Board of Governors
Effective Date
December 15, 1998
November 29, 2018

The purposes of this Policy are to set out the standards of conduct that the Justice Institute of British Columbia (鈥湴勾解 or the 鈥淚nstitute鈥) expects all students to comply with, and to outline the procedures that will be followed where a student鈥檚 conduct is alleged to have breached those standards.

Policy Statement

爱豆传媒 is dedicated to providing a high quality of education and high standard of service delivery for students and clients, consistent with the Institute鈥檚 mission, vision and commitments. An appropriate student code of conduct is necessary to ensure that 爱豆传媒 creates and maintains an environment that is conducive to effective teaching and learning, and is safe for students, faculty, staff and clients. 

Honesty, mutual respect, civility and good citizenship are promoted and expected at 爱豆传媒. Students must conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of the rights, well-being and property of others, and that facilitates a safe and effective learning and working environment. 

Allegations of Student Misconduct that are not resolved informally will be investigated in a procedurally fair manner. Where Student Misconduct is found to have occurred, 爱豆传媒 will apply Disciplinary or Corrective Measures as appropriate, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion from the Institute. A student who is found to have breached this Policy has a right to appeal.


This Policy applies to student conduct at a 爱豆传媒 campus or learning site, and also to student conduct that takes place off-campus or online where the student is participating in a 爱豆传媒 course, program or event, is representing 爱豆传媒, or is otherwise engaged in a 爱豆传媒-related activity.

This Policy does not apply in the following circumstances:

  • where alleged misconduct by a 爱豆传媒 student does not fall within the scope of this Policy, as described above;
  • where legislation or a 爱豆传媒 contract requires that another process be followed instead of the procedure described in this Policy;
  • where 爱豆传媒 determines that the alleged misconduct falls within the scope of another 爱豆传媒 policy, in which case 爱豆传媒 will decide on the policy and procedure that will be applied; or
  • where 爱豆传媒 determines that the alleged misconduct can be dealt with more appropriately in another forum (such as a court or administrative tribunal), or by the student鈥檚 employer.

Dean 鈥 The administrative head of a 爱豆传媒 School.

Director/Program Director 鈥 The administrative head of a 爱豆传媒 program area.

Instructor 鈥 A person employed or engaged by 爱豆传媒 who is responsible for providing instruction to students or otherwise directing student learning experiences (may or may not include evaluation).

Manager 鈥 A person employed or engaged by 爱豆传媒 who is responsible for managing one or more programs.

Official Student Record 鈥 As defined in 爱豆传媒鈥檚 Student Records Policy.

Registrar 鈥 The registrar of the Institute.

Student 鈥 A person the Registrar recognizes as being enrolled in a course or program of studies at the Institute. 

Student Misconduct 鈥 Misconduct by a student, as defined below.

Vice-President Academic (VPA) 鈥 The person responsible for all academic programs at the Institute.

Student Misconduct Prohibited

Students must refrain from engaging in Student Misconduct. Students who engage in Student Misconduct may be subject to Disciplinary or Corrective Measures.

Student Misconduct means any inappropriate conduct by a student, or in which a student assists, that is harmful or disruptive to the Institute, to 爱豆传媒 employees or students, to other members of the 爱豆传媒 community, or to the learning or working environment at the Institute. Student Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following types of conduct by a student: 

  1. Any behaviour that a reasonable person would perceive to be threatening, intimidating or offensive or that may endanger the health or safety of other persons (e.g., students, faculty, employees, visitors, or contractors);
  2. Violation of federal, provincial, or municipal laws;
  3. Criminal conduct, including but not limited to:
    a. possession, use, manufacture, distribution or sale of illicit drugs on 爱豆传媒 property or at a 爱豆传媒-sanctioned event; or
    b. unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons or dangerous chemicals on 爱豆传媒 property or at a 爱豆传媒-sanctioned event;   
  4. Unauthorized use of alcohol and/or other substances causing impairment on 爱豆传媒 property or at a 爱豆传媒-sanctioned event;
  5. Disruption of the learning environment, including conduct which interferes with classroom, online, lab or field activities;
  6. Disruption, obstruction, or interference with non-instructional 爱豆传媒 activities, including but not limited to interference with: 
    a. services; 
    b. access to services; 
    c. 爱豆传媒 events; 
    d. electronic or social media use; or 
    e. access or use of 爱豆传媒 public and private spaces;
  7. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on 爱豆传媒 campuses or at 爱豆传媒- sponsored events or supervised functions; 
  8. Abuse or unauthorized use of 爱豆传媒 buildings, rooms, property or services; 
  9. Unauthorized use of the name, reputation, or logo of 爱豆传媒; 
  10. Removal of Institute property from 爱豆传媒 premises without prior approval from an authorized representative of 爱豆传媒; 
  11. Interference with any 爱豆传媒 safety or security equipment or procedures, including making, or causing to be made, any false report of an emergency; 
  12. Dishonest conduct not governed by the Student Academic Integrity Policy, including falsification or misuse of identity cards, Institute documents or records, or misrepresentation of any kind to an employee of the Institute;
  13. Failure to comply with the directions of Institute officials or law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so; or
  14. Any other behaviour which interferes with 爱豆传媒 operations, or with the learning or working environment at the Institute.


The procedures for dealing with alleged violations of this Policy are set out in Procedure 3205-001.

Student Awareness

Students are required to make themselves aware of all 爱豆传媒 policies and procedures including this Student Code of Conduct. Lack of awareness of this or any other 爱豆传媒 policy does not excuse a student from responsibility for their actions.

Confidentiality and Documentation

  1. 爱豆传媒 recognizes the confidentiality interests and privacy rights of all parties involved in an investigation under this Policy and must protect personal information in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, subject to the exceptions thereunder.
  2. 爱豆传媒 may disclose information relating to allegations of a breach of this Policy in certain circumstances, including but not limited to where: 
    a. necessary to ensure the requirements of procedural fairness are met;
    b. the sharing of personal information is necessary for the protection of the health or safety of any individual;
    c. the sharing of personal information is required or authorized by law; or
    d. the person the information is about has consented to the release of the personal information.
  3. All persons involved in an investigation under this Policy are required to keep the allegation and information relating to the investigation confidential, and are not to disclose the allegation or information revealed to them through the investigation to others, except as may be expressly permitted or as required by law. Individuals involved in investigations should be aware that while confidentiality is expected, anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
  4. All documentation related to a Decision, President鈥檚 Decision or Appeal under this Policy will be kept in the Official Student Record and stored in accordance with the Student Records Policy.

No Retaliation

  1. It is contrary to this Policy for anyone to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate against a person for: 
    a. reporting any alleged violation of this Policy; or
    b. having participated or co-operated in an informal process or investigation under this Policy.
  2. Anyone who engages in such retaliation will be subject to Disciplinary or Corrective Measures up to and including suspension, expulsion or termination from 爱豆传媒.

Related Policies and Procedures