
Annual Tuition and Ancillary Fee

Procedure Number
Policy Number
VP Finance & Operations
Board of Governors
Effective Date
November 06, 2012
Procedure Statement


The purpose of this document is to ensure:

  • Centralized approach to implementation of the annual tuition and mandatory ancillary fee increases, and
  • Compliance with the Tuition Limit Policy as set up by the Ministry of Advanced Education of British Columbia


All Schools and Divisions

Existing tuition and mandatory ancillary fees for tuition based enrolments


VP, Finance and Administration, is responsible for determination of the annual increase of domestic tuition and ancillary fees as part of the financial budgeting process, as approved by the Board of Governors in accordance with °®¶¹´«Ã½ Tuition Policy. VP, Finance and Administration, in consultation with VP, Academic, is responsible for communication of the approved annual increase amounts to Deans and Directors.

Associate Registrar, Operations and Records Management, leads the annual increase process with the assistance of °®¶¹´«Ã½ Training Partner Users Group and Technology Services.


  • Tuition and mandatory ancillary fee increase is effective as of the start of each fiscal year (currently April 1)
  • Domestic tuition and mandatory fees are increased annually by the percentage approved by AVED. Since 2005 the approved increase has been set at 2%.
  • Tuition increases apply to active courses. Through a data cleaning process, archived courses are excluded from the process (November)
  • Technology Services generates the spreadsheet of active prices for active courses and mandatory fees (November)
  • Divisions identify courses, tuition fees within course fees, and mandatory ancillary fees that are exempted from the increase (November – early December)
  • Directors/Deans provide rationale for excluding fees from the increase and forward to VP, Finance and Administration (December-March)
  • Divisions mark excluded courses and ancillary fees and courses to which the Tuition Limit Policy does not apply (as per ), in Training Partner (December)
  • Technology Services generates a report showing active courses with current and next fiscal year prices (December)
  • Deans/Directors may use the report for budgeting purposes (starting December)
  • Registration Office together with Communications & Marketing develops an internal and external communication plan (January)
  • Divisions update any posted or print materials that refer to tuition or mandatory fees to be included in the increase (February)
  • Technology Services reviews the automated price increase script (early March)
  • Tech Services together with the Registration Office test the automated price increase (early – mid March)
  • Divisions advise Registration Office of classes that are excluded from the increase where the courses are included (mid-March)
  • Registration Office generates a spreadsheet of excluded classes (mid-March)
  • After the close of business on March 31 (or earlier if March 31 or April 1 fall on a weekend) Technology Services run the automated price increase script
  • Online registration is closed to facilitate the process, for the minimum time required to run the script, make manual adjustments, and test
  • Registration office manually changes the prices in excluded classes (April 1)
  • Divisions review the changes and advise Registration Office and/or Technology Services of any anomalies (early April)

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