
Course Details

Effective presentations communicate key messages, influence decisions and create possibilities for change. It is therefore critical for every successful leader to develop and hone their presentation skills. Whether communicating a message to a group of colleagues or providing information at an AGM, delivering a clear, concise and memorable presentation can be a challenge. In this course, learners will discover and practice methodologies and skills to become more competent and confident in creating and delivering presentations. During this two-day course, learners will identify how to structure a message that is easy for an audience to hear, understand and act on; learners will explore contemporary presentation tools and technology to engage the audience in meaningful ways. Learners will identify and practice techniques employed by the best presenters, using voice and non-verbal language to make their message memorable.

This course is offered on contract only. For those interested in exploring contract options please contact leadership@jibc.ca.


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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