
Course Details

Dealing with people who make you the target of their hostility requires emotional energy and frequently results in increased stress in the workplace, especially if it is an every-day part of your job. Learn alternatives for constructively managing hostile interactions in ways that protect your composure and preserve relationships. Identify factors that escalate the level of hostility, and learn the most effective responses to hostile behaviour. Discover and practice a model for de-escalating hostility and increase your skills in constructively confronting hostile behaviour in a variety of situations, including in person, on the phone and on video.


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Course Offerings

Dec 12, 2024
De-Escalating Hostility
Seats available
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Dec 12, 2024
Date Details
Online 2024/12/12 - 2024/12/12
Thurs  8:30am-4:30pm
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees

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