
Course Details

This course is offered on contract only. For those interested in exploring contract options please contact ccrcustomized@jibc.ca. Traditional approaches to decision-making often leave people uncomfortable with the process, dissatisfied with the results and uncommitted to the implementation of agreements. This program will provide you with strategies designed to reach committed agreements. As a leader, you need to know when and how to involve others the decision-making process, from the formulation of plans through to successful implementation. In this highly practical and interactive course, you will learn how to enhance your ability to assess a given situation and determine how much participation is critical for success. By exploring actual decisions in your workplace, you will use a practical model to determine when and how to involve others in the decision process. Finally you will practice applied skills in case simulations and workplace scenarios. (Formerly CCR124)


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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