
Course Details

Course developed for Homestay coordinators - basic level of investigations. Understanding that home-stay coordinators have a role to perform in protecting home-stay students, home-stay parents, the home-stay agency, and the coordinator themselves, the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JI) has been asked to develop and deliver a course that will better prepare home-stay coordinators to conduct basic investigations. This three-day course, uniquely designed to meet the needs of home-stay coordinators, will cover the following content: Elements and process of a basic investigation; Elements and process of a investigative interview, including appropriate questioning and how to objectively document an interview; Basic report writing that is fair, objective and defensible (includes taking and maintaining notes); Basic elements of giving evidence in a trial/hearing/proceeding (full one-day course manual will be included for future reference should it be required); Essential elements and definitions of common Criminal Code of Canada offences, including: mischief, assault, theft, threatening, weapons, sexual offences; Information on the role (and limitations) of a home-stay coordinator in first responding to an alleged offence that may be criminal (includes decision points on what to do when, and who to consult when and why); Provincial legislation regarding mandatory reporting of offences/incidents involving persons of a certain age; Provincial and federal legislation regarding human rights and protection of personal information and The role and use of translators in investigations and interviews. Instruction will take the form of brief lecture, small and large group discussion, table-top activities, case studies, and guided discussions. These activities will be employed to impart new knowledge, discuss both ""do's"" and ""don'ts"" relating to investigations conducted by home-stay coordinators. (Formerely IE180)


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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