
Course Details

This course supports the community Level One ESS function by providing basic training to new Level One ESS responders in a home study format. It is offered online and as a self-study guide. Learners are encouraged to record any questions that arise as they work through the material and discuss them with their supervisor once they have completed the course.

Access your online course - This is a continuous enrollment course - which means you will be able to access and start this online course within a few hours. You will receive an email confirmation from register@jibc.ca. providing direction on how and where to access the course; please complete the course by the end date specified. Add register@jibc.ca. to your safe email list so that the message is not forwarded to your spam or junk email folder. If you do not receive access to the course within one business day of registering please contact studenthelp@jibc.ca.


  • None

Course Offerings

Oct 01, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024
Level One ESS
Seats available
hidden text
Oct 01, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024
Date Details
Online 2024/10/01 - 2024/10/31
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees

Questions about Emergency Support Services Courses?

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