
Course Details

Community Care Licensing Officers assess the health and safety risks of persons in care in a variety of settings and circumstances across the human lifespan. This course examines the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional aspects of development through the lifespan. Learners are introduced to theories of human developmental psychology and will examine the social contexts of development including family relations, peer groups, friendship, and the appropriateness of care in context to physical, emotional, and spiritual health, cognitive stimulation, and cultural and social connectedness. (Formerly CCLO303) Textbook(s) required for this course, please see Tuition & Fees tab.


  • None

Course Offerings

Jan 06, 2025 - Apr 06, 2025
Lifespan Development
Seats available
hidden text
Jan 06, 2025 - Apr 06, 2025
Date Details
Online 2025/01/06 - 2025/04/06
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
Other Fees
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees
Other Fees

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