
Course Details

This course is intended for new hires with Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement who wish to develop or improve their personal safety skills, primarily designed for confrontations. This course will deal with the delivery of three days of training which will cover the following topics: two (2) full days of Tactical Communication (IE168) and one (1) full day for Use of Force Theory gym demonstrations and practice of defensive positioning / disengagement techniques. Students will also be involved in scenario based training on day 3 which will utilize all the skills learned on days one and two. The Gym demonstrations and practice of defensive positioning/ disengagement techniques needs to cover the following topics but not limited to; Balance Stance and timing (Interview Stance-cover two techniques, Reactionary gap), Proxemics, Arm Levers(Straight arm-Bent Arm), Body Releases(wrist grab, clothing grab, bear hug release, head lock, choke hold releases), Pressure Points (grab release techniques, points to target to ensure release by aggressive client), Defensive Ground Fighting Techniques (release from being held down on the ground, release from being held down front and from behind), Defensive Techniques (Early recognition, assault prevention, assault management, tactical reposition, distraction technique, distraction pressure release points, empty handed strikes- one handed-two handed -punch, head butt), Equipment Retention Drills (Portable radio, Inspection equipment i.e. flashlight) and Signs of a "sucker Punch".


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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