
Course Details

The Practice Education course is a final course option for learners in the Advanced Specialty Certificate in Community Care Licensing program who do not have current experience as a licensing officer. Through mentoring and coaching with preceptors, learners will observe a variety of licensing officer tasks, demonstrate competency in a few key areas, and be exposed to the broader scope of licensing practice. Learners will be expected to demonstrate critical thinking, decision-making, and appropriate communication skills in an inter-professional field environment. They will also be expected to demonstrate their understanding of fundamental areas of background knowledge, particularly administrative law, that are directly related to the field of community care licensing. Administrative Note: Program area permission is required to register for this course.


  • CCLO-3302, CCLO-3303, CCLO-3304, CCLO-3405, CCLO-3407, and CCLO-3408
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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