
Course Details

This course has pre-requisites, please confirm that you have taken the required courses before registering for this class. Students who register without meeting these requirements will be withdrawn from the course. In this course, learners will have the opportunity to implement and integrate the skills acquired through other courses in the Associate Certificate in Training & Facilitation. Learners will plan and deliver a training session in a collaborative and supportive environment. Day 1 will be a review of best practices and reflection on the learners' experience applying course content in their context. Learners will then have several weeks to design a 30-minute training session to be delivered to their peers on Day 2 or 3. This training session will be followed by written and verbal feedback. Learners will be required to submit a written 'reflections on learning' document to complete the course. This class will make extensive use of peer support and the instructor will be available for one-on-one coaching.


  • INDC-1211, and INDC-1377
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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