
Course Details

Leaders today often need to facilitate non-instructional group activities such as meetings, presentations, discussions, conference calls, planning, brainstorming and decision-making activities. This course provides an overview of the role of facilitation. It will identify how facilitation differs depending on the environment and situation, including the differences between virtual and in-person facilitation. Participants will expand their own facilitation skill set and develop a better understanding of how they can best fulfill the role of facilitator in a variety of contexts. This interactive course will focus on the essentials of engaging facilitation tools and methods. Participants will have an opportunity to practice planning and delivering a facilitation session focusing on real-life work challenges and to engage in a self-assessment, giving and receiving feedback from instructor and from/to peers.

This course is offered on contract only. For those interested in exploring contract options please contact leadership@jibc.ca.


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course