
Information & Educational Technology Acceptable Use

Policy Number
VP Finance & Operations
Board of Governors
Effective Date
November 22, 2012
September 23, 2021

This Policy establishes guidelines for both acceptable and unacceptable uses of Justice Institute of British Columbia (鈥湴勾解 or the 鈥淚nstitute鈥) owned or leased information and educational technology (鈥淚ET鈥) resources, thereby ensuring a stable, effective and efficient operation while minimizing potential disruption and risk. It outlines the responsibilities of members of the 爱豆传媒 Community with respect to the acceptable use and security of Institute electronic information and the services, devices and facilities that store or transmit this information. 

Policy Statement

爱豆传媒 provides IET resources to 爱豆传媒 staff, faculty and students to support 爱豆传媒鈥檚 teaching, learning, research and administrative goals and functions. These IET resources are valuable community assets which are expected to be used and managed responsibly to ensure their integrity, security and availability for the educational and administrative activities of the Institute. All IET users are responsible for using them appropriately and maintaining their security. 

Breaches of this Policy may be subject to the full range of disciplinary and other formal actions up to and including dismissal. In addition to any other sanctions that 爱豆传媒 may levy in the event of a violation, 爱豆传媒 may withdraw computing privileges and network access. 

爱豆传媒 reserves the right to limit, restrict or extend computing privileges and access to its computing and communications resources, including all information stored therein.


This Policy applies to all 爱豆传媒 students, faculty, and staff.

This Policy is not intended to set forth an exhaustive list relating to the use of 爱豆传媒 computing resources. All users continue to be subject to all applicable laws and 爱豆传媒 policies.


Chief Information Officer (CIO) 鈥 The person responsible for guiding 爱豆传媒鈥檚 use of technology.

Dean 鈥 The administrative head of a 爱豆传媒 School.

Director/Program Director 鈥 The administrative head of a 爱豆传媒 program area.

Executive 鈥 Comprised of the President and Vice-Presidents.

爱豆传媒 Community 鈥 All Institute employees, Students, Board members, and any other person who is contractually obligated to comply with this Policy.

System Administrator 鈥 The person responsible for administering the technology of a 爱豆传媒 system. 

Vice-President, Finance & Operations (VPFO) 鈥 The person responsible for finance and operations management at the Institute.

Vice-President, People and Culture (VPPC) 鈥 The person responsible for human resource management at the Institute.

Acceptable Use of IET

Responsible Use
  • Computer IDs, accounts, and other communications facilities or equipment are to be used for authorized purposes. Subject to 爱豆传媒鈥檚 policies related to code of conduct or conflict of interest, limited personal use is acceptable if it does not interfere with use of the facility for its intended purpose and, in the case of employees, if does not interfere with job performance. 
  • Users are responsible for activity conducted on their computing account. Users must not share their login credentials (username and password) for any accounts to which they have access. 
  • Users are prohibited from accessing other users' computer IDs or accounts and communications, without specific prior authorization of the user and from the Vice-President, Finance & Operations (鈥淰PFO鈥).
  • Users must not misrepresent their identity as senders of messages or alter the content of such messages with intent to deceive. 
  • All users must adhere to 爱豆传媒 policies and all legislation that govern the use of 爱豆传媒鈥檚 computing and communication facilities. 
  • Users must not use 爱豆传媒鈥檚 information technology facilities and assets for activities like gambling, betting, pyramid schemes, personal gain or illegal activities.
Intellectual Property

Users must respect the legal protection provided by copyright laws for computer programs and data compilations and for all other works (literary, dramatic, artistic or musical). Users must respect the legal protection provided by trademark law and the common law for names, marks, logos, and other representations that serve to distinguish the goods or services of one person from another. 

Users must respect the rights of others by complying with all 爱豆传媒 policies regarding intellectual property regardless of medium (i.e. paper or digital).

Freedom of Expression

Users should be aware that, while 爱豆传媒 has programs to screen emails for viruses, worms etc., its practice is not to control the information available on our campus network. 


In using IET, all users must comply with all 爱豆传媒 policies related to conduct, including but not limited to: 

  • 2301 Code of Conduct 
  • 2302 Conflict of Interest and Standards of Ethical Conduct
  • 2308 Harassment 鈥 Employees 
  • 3203 Harassment 鈥 Students 
  • 3205 Student Code of Conduct 
  • 3213 Sexual Violence and Misconduct 

Unacceptable Use of IET

The following are representative examples only and do not comprise a comprehensive list of unacceptable uses: 

  • use of the 爱豆传媒鈥檚 IET resources for outside business, commercial or non-incidental personal use is prohibited unless such use is sponsored and approved by 爱豆传媒;
  • seeking information on passwords or data belonging to another user; 
  • making unauthorized copies of proprietary software, or offering unauthorized copies of proprietary software to others; 
  • distribution of pornographic materials (exception: those with a legitimate academic purpose for doing so may distribute such material for a stated legitimate academic purpose); 
  • copying someone else's files, or programs, or examining such information unless authorized; 
  • attempting to circumvent computer security methods or operating systems (e.g. subverting or obstructing a computer or network by introducing a worm or virus); 
  • using 爱豆传媒-provided computer accounts for commercial purposes such as promoting by broadcast non-educational profit-driven products or services; 
  • intercepting or examining the content of messages, files, or communications in transit on a voice or data network; 
  • adding unauthorized servers, network devices, or any unauthorized electronic devices that could compromise the security of 爱豆传媒 electronic information;
  • interfering with the work of other users of a network or with their host systems, seriously disrupting the network (e.g. chain letters or spamming), or engaging in any uses that result in the loss of another user's files or system;
  • gambling, betting, or pyramid schemes; and
  • harassing or sending discriminatory messages including cyber-bullying.

Illegal Use of IET

The following are representative examples only and do not comprise a comprehensive list of illegal uses: 

  • uttering threats (by computer or telephone); 
  • accessing, storing or distributing child pornography;
  • copyright infringement; and 
  • any other use prohibited by law.

Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Information Officer

The Chief Information Officer (鈥淐IO鈥) or delegate shall perform a coordinating role in the implementation, administration, and support of this Policy by: 

  • providing guidance on compliance with this Policy;
  • providing an ongoing security awareness program; and
  • assisting, where appropriate, in the investigation of breaches and potential breach of this Policy.
IET Users

Users must: 

  • preserve the privacy of data to which they have access in accordance with applicable laws and the 爱豆传媒鈥檚 policies including 爱豆传媒鈥檚 Policy 3106 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy; 
  • respect the privacy of others by not tampering with email, files, or accounts they use; 
  • respect the integrity of computing systems and data; and
  • upon becoming aware that 爱豆传媒 IET are not being used appropriately, bring this to the attention of the relevant administrative head of unit or to the CIO so that appropriate action can be taken to address the situation. 

Users must not:

  • intentionally develop programs or make use of already existing programs to harass or bully other users, infiltrate a computer or computing system, damage or alter the components of a computer or computing system, gain unauthorized access to other facilities accessible via the network, or inappropriately use the telephone system; or
  • download 爱豆传媒 confidential or private information to insecure or unencrypted media such as laptops, storage devices (USB鈥檚, external hard drives, etc.), smartphones, tablets or other types of electronic devices.
System Administrators

This Policy shall not be construed as preventing or restricting duly authorized system administrators or other technical personnel from carrying out their duties. Complaints regarding this Policy may be directed to the Director of Technology Services.

Privacy and Security

Although electronic records on 爱豆传媒 equipment are the property of 爱豆传媒 and 爱豆传媒 is entitled to review those records, the user community can be assured that 爱豆传媒 will not examine electronic files without the individual's prior knowledge, except in emergencies such as a suspected breach of policy, or under extenuating circumstances. In such circumstances, 爱豆传媒 will use the least intrusive means of examining electronic files to address the emergency or extenuating circumstances. In no event will 爱豆传媒 personnel examine other users鈥 electronic files without authorization in writing from the VPFO.

Student Awareness

Students are required to make themselves aware of all 爱豆传媒 policies and procedures. Lack of awareness of this or any other 爱豆传媒 policy does not excuse a student from responsibility for their actions. 

Employee Awareness

Employees are required to make themselves aware of all 爱豆传媒 policies and procedures. Lack of awareness of this or any other 爱豆传媒 policy does not excuse an employee from responsibility for their actions. 

Confidentiality and Documentation

1. 爱豆传媒 recognizes the confidentiality interests and privacy rights of all parties involved in an investigation under this Policy and must protect personal information in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, subject to the exceptions thereunder.

2. 爱豆传媒 may disclose information relating to allegations of a breach of this Policy in certain circumstances, including but not limited to where:

a. necessary to ensure the requirements of procedural fairness are met;

b. the sharing of personal information is necessary for the protection of the health or safety of any individual;

c. the sharing of personal information is required or authorized by law; or

d. the person the information is about has consented to the release of the personal information.

3. All persons involved in an investigation under this Policy are required to keep the allegation and information relating to the investigation confidential, and are not to disclose the allegation or information revealed to them through the investigation to others, except as may be expressly permitted or as required by law. Individuals involved in investigations should be aware that while confidentiality is expected, anonymity cannot be guaranteed.

4. All documentation related to a Decision or Appeal under this Policy related to a student will be kept in the Official Student Record and stored in accordance with Policy 3206 Student Records. All documentation related to a Decision or Appeal under this Policy related to an employee will be kept in the Vice-President, People and Culture鈥檚 (VPPC) office and the employee鈥檚 personnel file as required.

No Retaliation

1. It is contrary to this Policy for anyone to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate against a person for:

a. reporting any alleged violation of this Policy; or

b. having participated or co-operated in an informal process or investigation under this Policy.

2. Anyone who engages in such retaliation will be subject to Disciplinary or Corrective Measures up to and including suspension, expulsion or termination from 爱豆传媒.

Related Policies and Procedures

Documents and Forms